Friday 30 January 2015

Homeward Bound

Last night we had an “end of holiday” drink with two lovely Canadians we met from the boat anchored next door to us. We had no fresh food left on the boat, but managed to scare up all kinds of snacks from our pantry, and spent 4 fine hours getting to know each other, trading sailing stories, and polishing off a bottle of wine and several glasses of rum.

Today we shopped for some food, and then had 5 glorious hours on fairly calm seas, with what wind there was, behind us – the perfect sunny Bahamian day. Now we’re anchored with about four other boats opposite what used to be a Caribbean marine research station, now defunct, on Lee Stocking Island (not to be confused with Stocking Island, near George Town, where we keep our boat).

Another cold front is predicted to come through tomorrow, with heavy North-East winds, so the plan is to leave early and do the 4-hour sail back to George Town before the wind gets too crazy. At least it’ll be behind us again – could be exciting!

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