Thursday 12 December 2013

Day 2 working on the boat, today during a cold front (a windy, chilly 70 degrees F) - good working weather! Mostly successful, except for a small mishap in the morning. We used a product intended to remove the glue left from duct tape that sealed our hatches. Unfortunately, it also removed the gel coat around the bow hatch - sheesh :(. Fortunately, we're in a full service marina - so it'll get repaired before we leave.

One funny incident - Jeff was working on the mast, which was supported by sawhorses, when he noticed that they had the name "Sea Change" written on them - in his handwriting! He knew we'd left our sawhorses in Rochester for later pick-up - so he had a moment of disorientation, before he realized that the trucker had taken our sawhorses with the mast on the truck. So much for picking them up later.

Here are some pics of our view from our hotel room and from Ribovich Marine Centre, where the boat rests for now.

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