Tuesday 11 January 2022

A Musical Encounter

 Well, here's a story for you. We were anchored in Red Shanks right next to a lovely cruiser named Dale, who was my original ukulele teacher down here.

He recently made himself a cigar-box guitar, and offered to give Jeff a lesson on it. But then he moved his boat down the harbour a ways, so we thought we'd missed that.

Well today, we were toodling in our dinghy down the harbour, and I said, "let's see if we can find Dale". We arrived at his boat, and he asked us aboard, where he introduced us to Alison, from a neighboring boat. Then he pulled out his uke, his cigar box guitar, and another new one that he handed to Jeff. My captain got excited about learning to play it, and Dale offered to sell it to him for $100.00.

Alison immediately pulled the money out of her wallet and paid it to Dale - she said she was "paying it foward" for all the help he'd given her! We were shocked and grateful 🙏. 

So now we have a new instrument aboard, with a promise for a lesson from Dale. We'll make both of them a special dinner in a day or two - and Jeff and I will start playing duets before you know it - amazing!!


  1. Even your misadventures seem to be an adventure. i think of you guys often....basking!!

  2. Yes,true! We want you to join us - are you sure you can't come?
