Saturday 5 February 2022

Drowning in a dinghy

 We've spent the last week sitting out the big blow in a hidden corner of Red Shanks. Several times, we needed to go George Town for food and water, so we braved the wind and HUGE waves in our little dinghy. But the most challenging day was when I went with friends in their dinghy all the way across the Bay to the beach at Chat and Chill- a 45 minute trip. My friend, Dale, was offering a ukulele class, which I joined. Then we traveled across the bay to George Town for supplies, and headed back to the big boats.

Suddenly, we noticed that there was 8 inches of water in the dinghy - it looked like we were sinking! Fortunately, those inflatable dinghies don't sink so easily - we bailed, and pulled the bung-hole plug, and eventually emptied the boat. We figured the extreme turbulence in the cut into town caused the flood, and we didn't notice because we were focused on the crazy waves and walls of seawater splashing us constantly. I was very happy to put my foot down on Sea Change - which felt like terra firma!

We had a calmer day yesterday, and spent the evening with Dale and Kris, who made us a barbque dinner, followed by a jam session with all of us playing. Jeff had an amplifier on his guitar, and sounded great. Their little dog didn't even howl!

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