Wednesday 25 December 2019

A Day in the Life (written yesterday)

It’s not all sailing and sunsets … here’s what a typical once-a-week visit to George Town looks like:

10:00 am, after breakfast and listening to the morning sailor’s net, we board our trusty dinghy and set motor for town, in the pouring rain. Ten minutes later, and thoroughly soaked, Jeff fills four large water jugs with fresh reverse osmosis water, while I drop the garbage bags at the little truck left for that purpose, and drag my rolling box filled with laundry to Lee’s laundromat.

As I finish loading the machines, Jeff picks me up and we head to the immigration office to extend our visas for our full visit (unfortunately, as it turns out, a month too early ☹).

I head back to the laundromat to put the clothes into the dryer, then off to shop for groceries, while Jeff takes the first load of water back to Sea Change, and starts filling the tanks.

Then Jeff meets me at the dinghy dock, where I pass many bags of groceries to him, which he ferries back to Sea Change, along with yet another batch of filled water jugs, and unloads it all. I head back to the laundromat to fold the now dry laundry, while Jeff makes a third trip to fill water jugs, and picks up the clean laundry to take back to the boat.

I take a break and get my nails done for the Christmas party tomorrow. Meanwhile, Jeff buys lobster and wine for our anniversary celebration tonight, and then flakes out on the boat, waiting for my call to be picked up. We head back Sea Change, weigh anchor and high-tail it to our new anchorage at Volleyball beach, where there’s a Christmas sing-along in progress.
After stowing all the groceries and clean laundry, the evening is spent in celebrating our 36th anniversary, the third night of Chanukah, and Christmas eve – what a day!

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