Monday 11 February 2019

Hangin' Out at Red Shanks

So the wind’s back to blowing stink and we’re sheltering in beautiful Red Shanks Harbour with only about 7 other boats. It’s an hour motor south of George Town, and either people don’t know about it (and we’re not telling) or it’s too shallow for most boats. We only draw 4.5 feet – so shallow water works for us. Given that now there are about 200 boats in Elizabeth Harbour, this is a relatively very quiet refuge.

 It’s also enforced relaxation! There’s really not much to do here .... Jeff got a few light boat jobs done before lunch, while I had a phone meeting with Schulich. Then we dinghied to the near-by beach – quiet mangroves on our side, and crashing surf as you walk over the hill. We did laps on the beach from one end to the other for about a mile. Finally, we got back in the dinghy and I drove us around the bay looking for sea turtles (with no luck). Back to the big boat for tea, hanging out in the sun, watching the sunset and cooking a lobster stir-fry dinner. Life could be much worse!!

Tomorrow we head back to George Town for the annual Cruiser’s Regatta – races, contests, variety shows, etc. I may join the conch-blowing contest again, and perform with my tambourine as part of a group in the variety show. Hardly riveting excitement, but after last week’s sails with guests on 4–foot rollers, and lots of Schulich work since then, a pleasant break from the action.

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