Yesterday was Jeff’s 69th
birthday, which we began with a pancake breakfast, followed by a birthday phone call from our kids and grandchildren, and many sweet e-mailed messages from friends. Then we relaxed on the boat in beautiful Joe’s Sound, and made a lobster/steak stir-fry dinner for our new friend, Pat (the “Mayor”), who told us wonderful stories about this area of the Bahamas.
The boat swung noisily on its anchor all night in the wind versus current conditions, and we were awfully glad to see the morning come. But today was the highlight of our visit here! We badly needed provisions, so we dinghyed off through the Sound for about 45 minutes, and finally came to a jetty in the middle of nowhere. We tied up the dinghy and followed Jeff’s I-Pad directions for about 2 miles to a tiny perfect store that had everything we needed (right next to a liquor store, no less)! Now – how to get 4 bags of groceries and a bag of liquor back to the boat, without reactivating my sciatica problem …
As we were pondering the issue, a van came up the road – the only vehicle in sight. I stuck out my thumb, and he stopped – a taxi, would you believe? He took us for free back to the jetty, and we carefully motored our way back to Sea Change through the very shallow turquoise water.
As we were putting away the groceries, Pat showed up with a collection of harpoons and asked if we wanted to go lobster fishing for the rest of our dinner! Of course we were game … how often do you get that kind of offer? So off we went for the rest of the afternoon in his little skiff. Pat and Jeff both donned flippers and masks and went a-huntin’. Five lobsters and several Glass-eyed Snappers later, we headed back to our boat, with a pail full of dinner. Now that’s a great way to provision J.